Too Many Tech Tools? What’s Missing in Your Return-to-Office Approach

Appspace Partner Hero

Returning to the office is making a comeback, yet fine-tuning the in-office experience for hybrid workspaces has become a mission priority. Traditional work benefits or flashy perks no longer motivate employees, especially when home offices offer similar convenience and comfort.

To make the commute worth it, companies need to tackle employee challenges head-on with a unified solution.

The In-Office Challenges

In the 2024 Workplace Experience Trends and Insights Report released by Appspace, surveyed in-office, remote, and hybrid workers identified the same top challenges in the same order of priority: tech issues, collaboration, and communication.

Crucially, the 2023 report also named these same challenges, meaning these hurdles remain persistent and unsolved. Let’s take a look at these challenges:

Tech Issues

Technology problems caused by unsuitable or inadequate tech can hamper productivity and resource utilization. For instance, hybrid workspaces often struggle with coordinating schedules, desk and meeting room availability, and ensuring that in-office and remote employees can collaborate quickly, efficiently, and seamlessly.

The root cause is often the lack of a unified platform bridging digital and physical spaces.


In hybrid work environments, seamless communication between in-office and remote employees is essential. Employers must offer employees reliable tools to connect and collaborate without technical disruptions.

But having too many tech tools can make it hard to stay connected. Without a cohesive solution, companies end up using too many tools, complicating efforts to keep everyone aligned.


Building team spirit and enabling spontaneous collaboration is tough when some team members are remote. Questions like “Where should the marketing team sit?” or “Which conference room should we use?” highlight the need for tools to reserve workstations and meeting spaces in advance.

These challenges call for a smarter solution. Enter Qbic Technology and our long-time partner, Appspace.

Qbic's newest lineup of Appspace-certified devices.
Qbic Technology now supports a number of newly Appspace-certified devices. Click on the image to read the news announcement.

The Future of Work Starts Now

Solving these challenges demands a unified platform that combines critical workplace tools. Qbic Technology’s purpose-built devices deliver such a solution, engineered to simplify workspace management and improve in-office experiences through seamlessly integrating with various software ecosystems. An example of such a seamless integration is Qbic’s newly announced lineup of Appspace-certified devices, including devices:


No more wasted time searching for meeting spaces, as integration with Appspace ensures better utilization of spaces, facilitating better planning and coordination.

Space availability is seamlessly updated across the board through Appspace’s platform and Employee App. On the app, employees can reserve a desk or an area on their way to the office ahead of time. The integration means the LED indicators on the BookBuddys or meeting room panels are updated to reflect the new availability status, blocking other employees from using the desk or room.

Once they arrive at the office, a glance at the wayfinding screen, powered by BXP-300 or BXP-320, allows them to easily locate their reserved desk.

For ad hoc meetings, employees can find and reserve green-lit TD-1070 or TD-1060 Slim panels. The Appspace platform updates the room’s availability status, preventing others from reserving it. The LED indicators turn red to deter interruptions.

BXP-300 and BXP-320 support 24/7 operations, reliably keeping everyone in the loop by displaying corporate communication content across in-office screens and on employees’ phones. This ensures even remote workers feel connected and informed.


Why Appspace and Qbic?

Employees are often dealing with tool fatigue. Appspace’s 2024 Trends and Insights Report shows 59% of employees manage four or more tools. Consolidating tools onto one platform simplifies everything, making it easier for employees to do their jobs and boosting workplace satisfaction.

Choosing Appspace-certified devices from Qbic ensures companies receive a proven, unified solution, which was built on its existing partnership with Qbic’s first certified device, the TD-0350 Desk Booking Smart Panel. If issues arise, Qbic’s award-winning customer service team is ready to provide prompt and effective support, ensuring minimal downtime.


Creating an effective hybrid workspace means tackling connectivity, productivity, and collaboration challenges head-on. Qbic Technology’s new certified lineup, integrated with the Appspace platform, offers a seamless, efficient, and engaging in-office experience that encourages employees to return to the office.

Want to learn more? Don’t miss our exclusive interview with Appspace, where we discuss the partnership and the integration of the TD-0360—watch the video now.

Click here for more details on how Qbic and Appspace can transform your hybrid work environment.

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